Support and Next StepsI will be continuing to build on the work that I have been researching and implementing in my classroom throughout my teaching career. In particular, I will continue focusing on the In-Class Flipped Model of Education. As an elementary school teacher, the possibility of teaching a combo class (two or more grade levels) is very high. An In-Class Flipped Model will work beautifully in this environment. I will continue to create video content to place onto Google Classroom for students to access. While I am working with one grade-level, the other grade can be on their Chrome Books participating in the in-class flip. Then the students can switch places. This way they are receiving the benefit of small group direct instruction along with the benefits of a flipped classroom. I will continue teaching a growth mindset in my classroom with fidelity. The other benefit of a flipped classroom is that once you create your content, it is there for the next year! It can continually be improved and added onto each year.
I found many new resources through my study that I will continue to implement in order to instill a growth mindset in my students. This includes read-aloud books, growth-mindset bracelets, student feedback forms, and continued growth mindset reflection time for my students. I will continue to implement CCSS aligned math curriculum that supports student learning through Bridges in Mathematics. Continuing to use technology and growth mindset principles will continue to enhance the math instruction in my classroom. |
I am incredibly thankful to NapaLearns for providing me with the opportunity to do this through Touro University’s Master’s in Innovative Learning Program. Because of the support of NapaLearns, I have been able to enhance my teaching alongside my creative, hard-working, and innovative colleagues in Cohort 16. I have grown tremendously through this program. I have gained knowledge on teaching models, technology tools to support student learning, and innovative learning techniques. It has always been my goal to receive my Master’s degree, and I couldn’t think of a better environment or opportunity because of NapaLearns.