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Rubrics and other measures for assessing students when you are implementing a Guided Reading curriculum...Pre-Test and Post-Test
The pre-test and post-test in my cycle of inquiry measured students’ reading comprehension and reading accuracy, through the use of DRA's. It is important to note that for the purpose of being able to analyze all of the student scores, four students’ scores were modified from a “level A” (less than 1) to 0.5. This modification was necessary in order to be able to analyze all of the scores numerically. Click on the button below to access actual scores. The mean difference of the pretest versus the post-test was 3.2. Figure 1, below displays the mean for the pre-test was 4.89, while, the mean for the post-test was 8.11. This demonstrates that reading scores increased from the pretest to the post-test.
Figure 1
Another source of quantitative data was the responses collected from the questionnaire that the teachers completed. The researcher asked likert scale questions that were were based on the following aspects of curriculum content:
Figure 2
Click on the button below to find running Records for multiple Reading Stages, ranging from Early Emergent Reading Stage to Advanced Fluent Plus Stage- Grade 5.