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21st Century Workforce Readiness TPACK ISTE Common Core UDL
How does 21st Century Learning and Workforce Readiness work with AVID strategies?
21st Century skills brings together critical skills necessary for the work world of today and tomorrow, including the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity). But it is also about merging media/technology with the careers and life skills necessary for the 21st century. A 21st century AVID classroom works with them all. AVID strategies foster collaborative work environments, challenges students through problem-based inquiry, and gives the opportunity to be creative with media and technology. A 21st century AVID environment must be heterogeneous because it reflects the real world. People come from various backgrounds, languages, and families that contribute to a more global economy. To prepare our students for the heterogeneous world of work, we must have heterogeneous environments in our schools. Likewise, the real work world requires knowledge sets from a variety of disciplines and knowledge bases. It is important that school reflect this real world of work and life where bridges between language, science, math, and the past contribute to everything we do and create.